

4 weeks left! 

Well, only four weeks to go before the baby comes! And we still haven't moved into the other flat. -Which is making me pretty nervous these days... But it will be allright! Things always turn out allright in the end.
We have bought some babyclothes but apparently they don't make babyclothes in ANY other colours than pink, light blue or white! You do manage to find the occational yellow so we will have a little yellow baby when it arrives! We decided not to be told the gender you see!! And I have really began to understand why people do get to know the gender... it is only so you can actually buy some clothes before the baby comes!
Anyways! Like I said I only have 4 weeks to go so you can imagine how huge I look by now. I no longer qualify as a small whale I qualify as a spermwhale or some equally big as them!
I'll keep you posted on when the baby comes, but until then I am going to pack my things into boxes and move house!

Lífið er yndislegt . 10:33



Still alive belive it or not!
Sitting at home and enjoying my eastervacation. Wonderful!!
Well, I guess it is time to reveal to the world that me and Jon Einar are going to have a baby next summer. We are very very very happy about it!
We went to the doctor on the 11th of March for the ultrasound pictures. It was absolutely wonderful! I think that it is fair to say that we are expecting another David Beckham if one can judge by how much they kick when half way through the pregnancy! We got all things verified! The heart is beating, the brain has two sides and various things like that...
I´m also pretty lucky, I am feeling good and not facing any major problems, slight hip-thing but that will be ok if I just look out for myself. The only "downpoint" (if one can call it that) is that I probably won´t get on any tours this summer!! And I am already itching for a tour!! The busses have started to appear with the signs in the windows and someone holding a microphone in the front seat... But... I do get something greater instead!!
Well.. I think that is enough news for now!!

Lífið er yndislegt . 13:05


Winter pictures 

Well.. they are here folks. Some pictures I took on my drive which ended in Skaftafell last Saturday.

This is Seljalandsfoss, the one which we walked behind.

A bit of rock in the river by Seljalandsfoss decorated by winter!

Skogafoss by the museum at Skogar. A bit less water now than during the summertime!

The Skaftafell glacier during winter. Do you remember how it looked like when you saw it during summer? You really see it is a glacier when it is winter!

Svartifoss at Skaftafell.

These things are called "Grylas' candles" here in Iceland! Do you remember Gryla? She is the mother of all the 13 santa Clauses we have here!

Lífið er yndislegt . 21:52


Winter in Iceland! 

Snow, snow and more snow!
Last weekend I went for a drive... It ended up being a very very long drive because I turned back when I'd gone as far as Skaftafell. On the way I looked atthe waterfalls Seljalandsfoss, Skogarfoss and Svartifoss. During the summer I come to these waterfalls 4-5 times during the guiding season but I don't rember ever coming there during the winter.
I will put in some pictures when I have more time.. Build up some appetite for everyone to come back during the winter!

Lífið er yndislegt . 13:27


Busy times an Christmas 

Hey everyone!

I guess you all thought I'd stopped writing here! No... not quite! But I have been very very busy these last few weeks and I will tell you all about it later!

This time I just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope to see or hear from all of you soon!

Enjoy the holidays,

Lífið er yndislegt . 14:50



I am pissed -to say the least! (And pardon my French).
We are being forced back into the schools by the government. They are establishing a law that puts a bann to our strike... It is something that they can do but really shouldn't. (And actually have gotten a slap on the wrist for doing so from some international ....blahblah...institution.)
But, they did it anyway so now we just have to go back to work without having accomplished ANYTHING... -Speaking of being made to swallow your pride!!
I'll keep you posted....

Lífið er yndislegt . 01:22


Second half.... 

..of the strike will start on Tuesday!
We all got to vote about the "compromise contract" and so far I know of ONE teacher who is going to vote YES to it!! That is pretty much a give away about how this will all go... or so I'd say!! Yes, I do know about the infamous "silent majority" but this time I don't think that will be an issue here.... We only need 25% of the voters to vote 'NO' for it to be off the table. And belive me... there will be a much higher percentage than 25% who will say no to this!
Anyways, I am going to go to bed... I'll keep you posted about how things go!

Btw. is there anyone reading this? I never get any response so I don't really know if I am just writing this for myself or ????

Lífið er yndislegt . 23:26